Ignition Interlock Device

One of the measures Ohio uses to prevent drunk driving and promote public safety is the use of ignition interlock devices (IIDs) in vehicles. An IID is a breathalyzer installed in a vehicle that prevents the vehicle from starting if the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) exceeds a predetermined limit. We will help provide information on IIDs, their benefits, and how they work.

Best Equipment.
Best Technology.

Specialists in alcohol compliance and location monitoring technology.

Interlock Set  Up

We work with you, your attorney, and the court and offer a low cost IID device. You will be directed  to a qualified shop to have it installed. The vehicle will then require the driver to provide a breath sample before starting. If the driver’s BAC is above a predetermined limit, the IID will prevent the vehicle from starting. The device is connected to the vehicle’s ignition system and can only be deactivated by the driver providing a valid breath sample.

Interlock Alcohol Installed in Vehicle

How does an interlock device work?

An IID sensor measures the alcohol content of the driver’s breath. The sensor generates an electrical current proportional to the amount of alcohol in the breath sample. The device then calculates the driver’s BAC and determines whether the BAC exceeds the predetermined limit.

Benefits of interlock devices:

Prevent drunk driving: IIDs are effective in preventing drunk driving by ensuring that drivers cannot start their vehicles if their BAC exceeds the legal limit.

Reduce DUI offenses: Research has shown that IIDs can reduce the number of DUI offenses by 50-90%.

Encourage responsible behavior: IIDs can help drivers become more aware of their drinking habits and encourage them to drink responsibly.

Promote public safety: By preventing drunk driving, IIDs promote public safety and reduce the number of alcohol-related accidents.

Why (IAGM) Interlock and Alcohol GPS Monitoring of Ohio.

We provide the best interlock device and technology available. Our team works with you, the attorney, and the courts. Family owned with 50 years of bail bonds experience through the Lorain County Courts. We have seen everything and offer a fast, friendly, convenient service.


“I reconigzed the level of experience and understanding our family and team gained over the last 50 years years working with court ordered alcohol and GPS related requirements set us apart from our competitors by miles. All we needed was the best technology, so we went out and got it.” – Julie, Office Manager