Alcohol Monitoring Device
Breathalyzer Alcohol Monitor with GPS Mapping
Alcohol monitoring is the process of tracking an individual’s alcohol consumption levels. Alcohol monitoring can be used for various purposes, including monitoring alcohol use in individuals, monitoring alcohol consumption in those on probation or parole, and monitoring the alcohol consumption of employees in certain industries such as transportation.
Best Equipment.
Best Technology.
Specialists in alcohol compliance and location monitoring technology.
Alcohol Monitoring Device Details
Transdermal units can be invasive, uncomfortable, and unsightly. Breathalyzers with GPS monitors offer a noninvasive option to individuals on probation, awaiting trail or parole, or individuals undergoing alcohol treatment. We will provide and help set up your device followed by our 5 star ongoing service and support. We work with you, your attorney, and the courts to assist in your compliance efforts.
How does a beathalyzer device with GPS work?
Alcohol breathalyzer monitoring devices are devices that monitor an individual’s blood alcohol content (BAC). Our breathalyzers offer GPS mapping of test locations and use a deep lung fuel cell sensor that measure alcohol vapor. Then time and location is marked along with recording of pass or fail test results.
Benefits of breathalyzer alcohol monitors with GPS:
Prevent drinking: Alcohol monitors are helpful in preventing alcohol consumtion.
Encourage responsible behavior: Alcohol monitors can help an individual be aware of their drinking habits and encourage them to act responsibly.
GPS Mapping: GPS mapping of testing locations with test results.
We provide the alcohol monitor and work with you, your attorney, and the courts.
Alcohol and GPS Monitoring
Head Office
106 Middle Avenue
Elyria , OH 44035